Curriculum Vitae

Jess Mitchell

Toronto, ON, Canada                                              

(citizen Canada and USA)                                       


PhD, Department of Architecture & Design, SMARTlab, May 2025 expected

Thomas Jefferson University

Thesis: Pedagogy of One: Engaging the ‘missing middle’ with an inclusive design approach

An applied ethic demonstrated as a pedagogical approach aimed at elevating student voices and creating an environment for transformational learning.

Committee: Kihong Ku (Chair), Lizbeth Goodman, Chris Pastore, Bonnie Stewart

Master of Arts, Philosophy, May 1999

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Full fellowship. Modern Ethics, Social + Political Philosophy.

Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, May 1997

Tulane University

Minor Political Science + Sociology


Ethics; Pedagogy; Inclusive Design; Community; Diversity; Equity; Inclusion; and Accessibility


OCAD University, School of Graduate Studies, Toronto, ON

Adjunct Professor in Inclusive Design (MDes) programme

The Difference                                                                                                            2022–present

Building an inclusive design practice. Developing a pedagogical practice that blends Philosophy, Psychology, Design, Disability Studies, Sociology, Education, etc. Focusing class topics on design for inclusion through diversity and equity. Maintaining an emphasis on ethics.

Inclusive Art, Design & Community                                                                            2024

Explore communities that form, grow, change, and end over history. Examine controversies in Art and Museum practices. Learn how to conduct co-design and critique it. Form a community of practice.

University of Victoria, Victoria, BC

Instructor, Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum, and Instruction

Learning Design for Technology-Mediated Environments (asynchronous)                2021–2024

Distributed + Online Learning Open Ed, Open Data, Open Tech, Open Pedagogy    2024

Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON

Instructor, Faculty of Design

Diversity and Inclusivity in Design Introductory undergraduate elective course.      2019–2022

Duke University, Durham, NC

Adjunct Professor, John Hope Franklin Center for Information Science + Studies (ISS)

ISS Interdisciplinary certificate. Capstone project-based course. Structured course as a start-up organization where students planned and built a project: a digital game                                                               2005

ISS SketchUp 3D tour of campus for Freshmen.                                                         2006

ISS Digital sign design and posting service.                                                                2007

ISS The online campus map.                                                                                       2008

University of Minnesota (Twin Cities), MN

Lecturer, Department of Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy                                                                                         1997

Logic                                                                                                                            1998

Political Philosophy                                                                                                     1999

Ethics                                                                                                                          1999


OCAD University MDes students                                                                                2015–present

SPARC Fellow Mentor                                                                                                 2019

Ontario High School Coop Students                                                                           2016–2018

Google Summer of Code                                                                                            2017–2018

(mentee won Google Women Tech Maker Scholarship award in Asia/Pacific)


Mitchell, J., Lo, L., Scheuhammer, J., Treviranus, J., Spence, R. (2024). Framework for Accessible and Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education. eCampus Ontario.

Mitchell, J. (November 2023). A Novel Inclusive Design Framework for Contributing to an Inclusive, Open Pedagogy. In M. Nix (Ed.), AMPS Proceedings Series 36.2: Teaching beyond the curriculum: A focus on pedagogy 2023 (pp. 57-63). AMPS (Architecture Media Politics Society).

Mitchell, J. (2023). What is Co-design? Design for All Institute of India Journal, 18(7), 9-17.

Killam, L., Chumbley, L., Kohonen, S., Stauffer , J., & Mitchell, J. (2023). Co-Creation During a Course: A Critical Reflection on Opportunities for Co-Learning. The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Journal, 3(1), 1–12.

Killam, L., & Mitchell, J. (2022, April). A Critical Examination of Learner-Educator Co-Creation Within a Course. In The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Conference.

Learning to be Human Together. Published February 28, 2022.

Mitchell, J. (2022, January 7). An attempt to disrupt education – age of awareness – medium. Medium.

Mitchell, J. (2021, December 24). An Attempt to Disrupt Education (part 2) – Age of Awareness – Medium. Medium.

Mitchell, J. (2021, December 24). An attempt to disrupt education – age of awareness – medium. Medium.

Mitchell, J. (2021, December 8). The damage we do: assessment – age of awareness – medium. Medium.

Mitchell, J. (2020). “Chapter 31: The Tyranny of “Clear” Thinking.” Open At the Margins.

Mitchell, J. (2021, December 7). The Ethical Edges: What is Our Tolerance for Failure? Who are we Comfortable Leaving Behind? Medium.

Mitchell, J., and J. Treviranus. (2017) “Chapter 4 – Inclusive Design in Ecosystems A2 – Vimarlund, Vivian.” E-Health Two-Sided Markets. Academic Press, 43–61. Web.

Clark, C., Mitchell, J., Shahi, S., Stolarick, K., Trevinarus, J., Vanderheiden, G., & Vimarlund, V. (2017). “Use Model for a User Centred Design in Multidisciplinary Teams.” Studies in health technology and informatics, 242, (pp. 1063-1066).

Shahi, S., J Mitchell, D Ayotte. D103.1 Foundational Design for Prosperity4All. Prosperity4All EU project, FP7-610510, 2016.

Mitchell, J., K Stolarick, S Shahi, V Vimarlund. D404. 1 Prosperity4All prosperity indicators, data analytics and usage metrics design and modelling tools. Prosperity4All EU project, FP7-610510, 2016.

Cheetham, A., Ayotte, D., Hung, J., Vass, J., Clark, C., Mitchell, J. & Treviranus, J. (2014) Accessible Metadata Generation. Springer International Publishing, 101-110.

Treviranus, J., Clark, C., Mitchell, J., & Vanderheiden, G. C. (2014). “Prosperity4All–Designing a Multi-Stakeholder Network for Economic Inclusion.” In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and Accessibility Practice (pp. 453-461). Springer International Publishing.

Treviranus, J., Mitchell, J., Clark, C., & Roberts, V. (2014). “An Introduction to the FLOE Project.” In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Universal Access to Information and Knowledge (pp. 454-465). Springer International Publishing.

Schwerdtfeger, R., Vanderheiden, G. C., Treviranus, J., Clark, C., Mitchell, J., Petrides, L., & Brennan, M. (2014). “PGA: Preferences for Global Access.” In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and Accessibility Practice (pp. 325-336). Springer International Publishing.

Cheetham, A., Ayotte, D., Hung, J., Vass, J., Clark, C., Mitchell, J., & Treviranus, J. (2014). “Accessible Metadata Generation.” In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Universal Access to Information and Knowledge (pp. 101-110). Springer International Publishing.


Case, A., & Day, A. (2018). Designing with sound: Fundamentals for products and services. O’Reilly Media.

Ontario Digital Service Digital Inclusion Research Fund project reviewer                 2017



Open Oregon                                                                                                              2022

Designing Education for Equity: Moving Beyond Inclusion 101

e-Campus TESS panel creator and moderator                                                           2022

Normal it Wasn’t: What could it look like to have equitable access to education?

CACUSS workshop pre-conference                                                                             2021

ProDev event Canada Life, online                                                                               2020
Moving beyond Talking and Planning to Doing.

Toronto Metropolitan U, Toronto                                                                               2019

eLearning in Libraries Symposium

Michigan Community College Association OER meeting; Delta College, MI              2019

Open Education in the Mitten

Louisiana LOUIS Users Conference (LUC); Baton Rouge, LA                                       2019

Achieving the Dream coaching event; Louisville, KY                                                  2019

Open Textbook Network Summer Institute,                                                              2019

Inclusive Design in Education.

Creative Mornings, Toronto,                                                                                       2019


Digital Pedagogy Lab, Toronto                                                                                                2019

How Do You Practice.

Brock University Open Education Week, St. Catharines                                             2019

The Revolution is Now.

ATI New Hampshire, Manchester, NH,                                                                       2019

Curiosity, Stream of Consciousness, Critical Thinking, and Communities of Practice.

Gilbert + Tobin, Sydney, Australia                                                                               2018

This New Thing: Inclusive Design: Leadership and Inclusive Design in a Changing Time.

OpenEd Niagara, NY                                                                                                   2018

Tolerance for Failure: Open Education and its Ethical Edges.

Sunnybrook healthcare conference                                                                            2018

Nothing is Neutral: Inclusive Design Thinking, Healthcare Outcomes, and the

Best Way to Open a Door.

Ted Rogers School of Management                                                                            2018

Diversity and Inclusion in Corporate Leadership

What You Measure is What You Value.

Ontario Museums Association: Inclusive Museum Leadership Symposium              2018

Co-presented with Mark Campbell, PhD,

Equity, Inclusion, & Diversity: questioning, reflecting, disrupting;

Podcasts & Interviews:

Gettin’ Air with Terry Greene by voiced Radio                                                           2018, ’19, ‘21

Ask the Flipped Learning Network                                                                             2019

Open Ed Rising: How Can OER Be More Inclusive?                                                    2019

CC Humans of the Commons                                                                                      2018

EdSurge                                                                                                                       2018

Quantization: Episode Two, Gender                                                                           2016


Macalester College,                                                                                                    2023

Open Pedagogy consultation including Keynote and open workshop with faculty

Google, lululemon, IKEA                                                                                             2021–2023

Workshops and consulting on Inclusive Design and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

CACUSS workshop pre-conference,                                                                            2021

University of Alaska, Fairbanks                                                                                   2020

Faculty seminar in making distance education inclusive and accessible during COVID-19

Centennial College workshop;                                                                                    2019

Inclusive Design

OpenStax Workshop days Presentation, Houston;                                                     2019

Open Textbook Network                                                                                             2018

Inclusive Design in Education

Centre for Inclusive Design, Sydney, Australia                                                            2018

Week-long training for team

Royal Ontario Museum                                                                                               2018

Staff Inclusion workshop

Ontario Public Service 5x workshops with various Departments                              2018

BC Campus                                                                                                                  2018

Inclusive design Webinar Series

Mozilla                                                                                                                        2018

Diversity and Inclusion for Communities and Contributors:

Rebus                                                                                                                          2017

Accessibility in Open Textbooks;


Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC), OCAD University; 2008–current
formerly the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

Senior Manager Research + Design

Lead education: executive, conduct workshops, perform long-term consultations, and facilitate groups in inclusion, innovation, and diversity (across education, government, industry, and non-profit partners). Manage multi-year projects with budgets from $300,000 – $10 million. Manage community, open-source projects: Fluid Project, Infusion, Floe Project, Inclusive Design Institute, and more. Write grant proposals, research reports, policies, and standards.

Office of Information Technology, Duke University 2004–2008

Senior Project Manager

Directed innovative and strategic projects centrally. Catalyzed groups of technologists and faculty to discover, plan, build, implement, and support high-impact projects while managing a $1 million budget. Built infrastructure, planned, purchased, and worked with vendors to support the Duke Digital Initiative, including iPods in the classroom, HD cameras, podcasts, and blogs.

Led the creation of Apple’s iTunes U. Created 1st year movie-making event called Froshlife.

Brought together technical and non-technical groups around the University and the Durham community to achieve collaborative, innovative technology solutions while changing University policy and culture along the way. Created partnership with Youth Document Durham, a program of the Duke Center for Documentary Studies.

Geekcorps, Accra, Ghana, West Africa 2003–2004

Volunteer Consultant

Built the Ghana Internet Exchange Point, a L-2 switching device that allows local traffic in Ghana to bypass expensive international bandwidth and stay local, saving the ISPs and NSPs money and building a national “web.”

Established the Ghana Internet Exchange Association (GIXA) and then built membership to over 20 ISPs and NSPs.

Built collaborations among Ghana’s private and public sectors, telecommunications regulator, government ministry, and international aid agencies.

Procured $100,000 worth of equipment and resources as donations from Cisco, Intel, Motorola, Siemens, and community members. The project included a 60-meter mast, 360˚ wireless antennae, switch, wiring, switch closet, air conditioner, backup power, monitoring plan, policies for members, etc.

Secured a location for the exchange at the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT – at no cost, and in perpetuity.

Wrote a strategy with the Government of Ghana’s Deputy Minister of Communications and Technology for the highly politicized transition of the country code top-level domain, ccTLD, to a non-profit group of stakeholders who broadly represented Internet interests in Ghana.

Worked to stabilize and develop the Ghana Internet Service Provider Association (GISPA). Grew association membership and helped members work together toward common interests.

Helped GISPA develop a common voice on policy and lobbying issues, resulting in the monopoly Telco lowering prices for and reselling connections to the SAT-3/WASC fibre.


Event Coordination:

Guerrilla Education! A Very Hands-On Open Education Week Event OCAD 2019

DEEP conference co-coordinator 2014–2019


Founding Board Member of Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association (OTESSA). Equity Member                2019–current

AACU (American Association of Colleges and Universities) Institute on Open Educational Resources Faculty Advisor                               2022–2024

Rebus Ink scholarly research and publishing group Advisory Board Member           2019–2022

THUNDER Indigifest Volunteer     2021